• Who is JL?


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    Jacquelyn Long

    Owner & Lead Therapist

    Hi there, my name is Jacquelyn Long and I have been practicing Medical Massage Therapy for 13 years.

    I am a wife, mother, educator, yogi and movement enthusiest.


    Medical Massage Therapy made a huge difference for me along with strength training for my chronic back & rib pain issues. At a young age I had suffered from chronic back pain - until I found Medical Massage Therapy!

    I am so grateful I did and I knew that was what I wanted to do...


    To make a real difference in what people are dealing with and what they care about. 


    I’ve dedicated my career and much of my life to making a difference with people and their pain.

    My practice is about empowering people in self care for pain free, healthy living.

    JL Wellness Solutions was born from the commitment to bring wellness to the whole person.

    I am passionate about total well-being with an emphasis on health and fitness, self-image and relationships. Not limited only to massage therapy – I incorporate numerous aspects of treatment in my practice. Including self care, spirit and soul care, community, family, love, inner peace, exploration, and adventure.

    This makes for a diverse perspective and skill set when it comes to my practice and effectiveness in everyday living.

    I love what I do, and I'm good at it.

    This is my passion.

    This is my dream.

    This is JL Wellness Solutions.


    As, I mentioned above, I am married to the man of my dreams and a proud mom of 2 amazing boys.

    I'm a Half & Full Marathon and IRONMAN 70.3 finisher.

    I love mountains, yoga, snow skiing and going to the spa - obviously.


    I am highly speciliazed and I only work with individuals who are looking for the work I do and specialize in.

    Check out Booking & Events and feel free to contact me with any specific questions.

    Check out my Instagram for on-going well-being tips, tricks and recomendations.




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    2011-2012 at Ashdown College of Health Sciences

    I received over 1,200 hours of Medical Massage Therapy training at Ashdown College of Health Sciences, with a wide variety of the sciences as well as hands-on modality training.

    I also was an instructor and taught Medical Massage Therapy at Ashdown for over 2 years.

    Since then I have Completed a 200hr Yoga Teacher Training as well as a wide variety of other continueing education courses including Advanced Lympahtics


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    Experience as a Therapist 


    In addition to my years of study and instruction, I have spent a number of years developing my own private practice.

    I have worked with Chiropractors, Personal Trainers, Midwives, Naturopath practitionerd, and I even worked for Loma Linda University Drayson Center in the early days of my career.

    I am committed to continually expanding my knowledge and undestand of the human body and how it works and honing my skills and effectiveness with people.

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    Unique Perspective

    The Secret To My Success as a Medical Massage Therapist

    Many people have the question, "What is the difference with Medical Massage Therapy?"


    The difference between normal massage and Medical Massage Therapy is in the education and experience. As a Medical Massage Therapist/Specialist, my degree is in Medical Massage Therapy which includes in-depth training in anatomy & physiology, kinesiology, whole body tension patterns with over 12 modalities of hands-on treatment application.

    I have been trained to look at the entire body for the root cause and source of the issue.


    With that said, I have a wide variety of areas of knowledge, interest and effectiveness in treating and working with clients.

    Whether it's lymphatic health, prenatal or postpartum care, muscular imbalances and more.


  • What I Do

    While the catagories below are specific, each session usually includes a mixture of modalities with a main intention that is discussed prior to each sesssion. No system ever works alone, and touch can influance the body on many levels

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    Manual Lymphatic Drainage

    The lymph system is a powerful, subtle, slow-moving system of vessels and lymph nodes. It is supplementary to the body's system of blood circulation.

    Thr LYMPHATIC system is the immune system. It's the cellular waste removal system.

    • The lymph system both delivers nutrients to the cells and carries away excess water, cellular waste, bacteria, viruses and toxin. Good lymphatic health is so important .

    If you think of our bodies as mostly water... which we are. Lymph is that "water" that bathes all of the bodies tissues. To put it into perspective - we have about 5 liters of blook in our bodies, and about 12-15 liters of lymph. Lymph nodes and lymph organs are what filter that "water".

    When lymph becomes stagnant & congested causing resulting in the enviornment inside your body to be filled with toxic waste.


    Clearing the lymphatic system regularly is so important and manual Lymphatic drainage massage (also called lymphatic drainage and manual lymphatic drainage massage) is a very gentle massage that encourages lymph flow in the body. It is good for detoxification, edema, lymphedema, water retention, and more. I am deeply passionate about working with my clients on how they can support their immune systems at home an in thier daily lives.

    *Also, many Doctors recommend MLD post- "Mommy-make-overs", tummy-tucks, liposuction and other similar plastic surgery procedures.

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    The Power of Blood Flow

    "Life is in the blood"

    "The body is a self-healing organism, so it's really about clearing things out of the way so the body can heal itself."

    -Barbara Brennan


    My approach when focusing on increasing blood flow (and lymphatic flow), makes a massive difference in supporting your body's own system of self-regulation and healing.


    "Life is in the blood"

    • Blood and our circulatory system is our highway -the drop-off and pick-up system of so many aspects of health at the cellular level. Heart & Lungs, Blood Vessels: Arteries & Veins, Arterioles & Venules and finally Capillaries.
    • We breathe in Oxygen (heart & lungs), fresh oxygen rich blood gets distributed throughout the body (blood vessels), then the blood delivers oxygen & nutrients to every cell throughout the body. While simultaneously removing carbon dioxide (toxic air) and cellular waste.... because we use up the fuel we put into our body. This is then carried in the blood vessels to the heart and lungs to be expelled and to the kidneys and other organs to be filtered (same idea with lymph when it gets to its final filter destination).
    • We are what we eat, drink, sleep and breathe.
    • We have around 100,000 miles of blood vessels in our bodies...that's amazing!


    As we age and live less than fully active lifestyles, our micro blood circulation slows therefore slowing down the process of delivery of oxygen & nutrients, but also removal of cellular waste.

    When our body’s cells, tissues and organs are supported by adequate nourishment, and metabolic waste products are efficiently removed, our bodies become healthy and function properly, which is what it is designed to do.

    Optimal circulation is a prerequisite for ensuring good levels of health and fitness, and ease from tension and stagnation.


    See BEMER section for more information on PEMF therapy

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    Nervous System Reset

    Relaxing & Anti-Stress (stress is a silent killer)

    Swedish massage therapy is the modality that comes to mind when most people think about massage - especially relaxing massage.

    However, my Nervous System Reset sessions are designed to calm the nerves, ease muscular tension and restore blood flow and lymph flow balancing the body, mind and spirit. My focus and technique is to relax and restore the entire body.


    This session is designed to inturupt and influence the body to swtich from sympathetic (stressed) to parasympathetic (balance, rest, relax, digest, regulate, cleanse, detox, heal). The body simply won't do those things well if the body & mind are in a state of stress.

    Many of us live in a state of stress, fight or slight. Living in sympathetic nervous system response we are on alert, tension increases throughout the body as a readiness for danger, an attack... There are many stressors.  


    We often have what's referred to as "Nueral Noise" in our bodies. It's injuries, tension, pain, stagnantion, dis-ease that has been in the various places in the body. They can be either slowly growing or where once a problem, now no longer felt because the body has become numb to it by shutting down the stimulus to save on brain power. It's exhausting to be injuried, in pain, low energy, sluggish digestion, overall sense of heaviness or fatigue.


    After these sessions, people often feel that they can think more clearly, they have a calmer sense of peace about them. Other areas of pain and tension in the body (known or unknown) become more relaxed resulting in calmed nerves, better blood flow, better levels of oxygen throughout the body.

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    Neuro-Muscular Therapy (NMT)

    Slow, Deep - Releasing Tension & Influencing Muscle Memory

    Neuromuscular therapy is a specialized form of deep tissue massage in which targeted pressure and friction are used to release areas of strain in the muscle. These areas of strain are called tender or trigger points and are the cause of muscular pain symptoms.

    What are Trigger Points? Trigger points are areas of hypersensitivity in a muscle caused by overstrain. These are small areas of the muscle in which there is a contracture of muscular tissue (think of a tiny snag in a knit sweater). Blood and nutrients are lacking in that part of the muscle and therefore the muscle spindle is unable to relax. Examples of Trigger & Referral pain include: sciatica like symptoms, carpal tunnel like symptoms, and headaches.

    Common injuries treated with NMT: Lower back pain, upper back pain, carpal tunnel like symptoms, sciatica like symptoms, hip pain, headaches, plantar fasciitis, calf cramps, tendonitis, knee pain, iliotibial (IT band) friction syndrome, jaw pain, tempomandibular joint pain (TMJ disorders).


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    MyoFascial Release

    Releasing Chronic Tension Patterns

    Myofascial Release is a very effective hands-on technique that involves applying gentle to intense sustained pressure into the Myofascial connective tissue restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion.

    Trauma, inflammatory responses, and/or surgical procedures create Myofascial restrictions (a form of scar tissue) that can cause pain in sensitive structures that do not show up in many of the standard tests (x-rays, myelograms, CAT scans, electromyography, etc.)

    The use of Myofascial Release allows me to look at each patient as a unique individual. The one-on-one therapy sessions are hands-on treatments during which I use a multitude of Myofascial Release techniques and movement therapy.

    Each Myofascial Release Treatment session is performed directly on skin with little to no oils, creams or machinery. This enables me, as the therapist to accurately detect fascial restrictions and apply the appropriate amount of sustained pressure to facilitate release of the fascia.

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    Pre & PostNatal Massage


    Massage therapy during pregnancy is a wonderful complementary choice for prenatal care.

    • I specialize in Pre & Post-natal massage - specifically understanding and addressing the physical shifts in muscular, nerve, circulation and hormone functions that unfold during the entire pregnancy.  

    It is a healthy way to reduce stress and promote overall wellness. Massage relieves many of the normal discomforts experienced during pregnancy, such as backaches, stiff neck, leg cramps, headaches and edema (or swelling).

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    Bodywork Rates and Services

    20+min Session $65

    50+min Session $150

    80+min Session $200



    If youd like to book an appointment, referral or consult, reserve on booking website.

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    Movement Rates and Services


    20+min Session $65

    50+min Session $150

    80+min Session $200



    If you are in need of an appointment, referral or consult, please contact me directly 909-735-0119

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    Bodywork & Movement Rates and Services


    50+min Session $150

    80+min Session $200

    Approx. half of the time is spent doing hands-on work to address specific area, the other half is spent on yoga, therapeutic movement, breath work & self-care



    If you are in need of an appointment, referral or consult, reserve on booking website 

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    Education & Workshops



    All of my workshops are rooted in a passion for educating people about their own bodies and what they can do to support their optimal health goals, rather than always needing to rush to professionals or practitioners for treatments. Educating yourself on how your body works and what you can do for it is one of the biggest gifts you can give yourself.


    Workshops Presented by JL Wellness Solutions:


    September 2024

    Your Sacred Cycle - The Wisdom of the Female Rhythm

    led by Jacquelyn Long


    October 2024

    Lymphatic Breast Health - Best Breast Health Practices

    lef by Jacquelyn Long


    November 2024

    "YOU, I, WE" - Couples Workshop!

    Understanding Male & Female Hormonal Rhythms

    led by Jacquelyn & Tim Long


    November 2024

    Sourdough Made Simple

    led by Jacquelyn Long


    *Go to Booking & Events page for more information + registration



    Sourdough Bread Workshop      10am Saturday November 2nd

    Sourdough Bread Workshop 10am Saturday November 2nd


    Bring a large bowl and some flour and I'll teach you the rest.
    This will be a 2.5hr hands-on class. We will all make sourdough bread dough together and I'll send you home with the rest of the instructions for you to bake it the next day (my recipe yields 2 loaves).
    I promise I'll break down all the terminology to the best of my knowledge, we will get our hands into some dough, and point you in the right direction with more resources.
    I've been baking sourdough bread for almost a year and Im so glad I did. Not only do I prefer it for taste, texture and quality - but so does my family!
    I haven't bought bread in a year, and wow, not only am I saving money, I feel it in my digestion. Sourdough bread is the oldest form of yeast for bread. And unlike white breads, sourdough bread actually lowers the glycemic load the entire meal (and more)... that kind blew my mind, but I have to say, bread is no longer an enemy of a meal or snack anymore. I love sourdough bread...and I'M MEGA passionate about sharing it with others right now!
    Only 3 ingredients; flour, water, salt, starter = fermented flour and water = YEAST!
    Sourdough is a gift that keeps on giving.
    Coming soon
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    Let's connect and see what might be a right fit for you.

    I teach workshops, and offer private one-on-one trainings, to group trainings.

    You can book a phone call consultation or a physical consulation for massage therapy or you can book a free consult call (10min-15min) to see what may be a good fit.

  • Contact us

    Text or Call (909) 735-0119

    Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:30am-5pm